Sunday, December 7, 2008

Wrist break

Well, we were working at the church this week, doing some needed repairs and remodeling as well as the Christmas decorations. Everything is so beautiful (except for the stuff we haven't done yet). Thanks to the wonderful people who pitched in to get it done

We are putting a new playground in on the east side of the church, half for the nursery age and the other half for the 3-6 year olds. It is just outside the fellowship hall and the nursery so that we can watch them play and look after them.

In the process of all these projects, I managed to fall under the portico and break my wrist. It had to be my right wrist too! I will have to make short work of this blog due to the difficulty typing. I will write before Christmas but I just wanted to tell everyone Merry Christmas and bless your aproaching year. Make it the best ever!


1 comment:

Curly said...

What a bummer! I'm praying for a quick and full recovery.

Merry Christmas to you!