Monday, December 1, 2008

It's coming!

Well, Christmas is coming and I am concerned (once again), that even the believers will commercialize it! It is not, I repeat, NOT a time for wish lists nor for thinking about what all you are going to get for Christmas, it is all about what you have already gotten!
I realize that December 25th is not neccessarily Jesus's birthday, but for the life of me I can't find anyone that knows when it is!!! So... realizing that the first thanksgiving wasn't on thursday, and there is no specific day of the month when Jesus arose from the tomb, and other such unknowns exist, I will be, (a)- grateful on whatever day, (b)- celebrate His tomb exit, and (c)- His birthday on whatever day my brothers and sisters in Him are doing it! It's a "family thing"!
We have better things to do than argue about this. Let's be one in the Spirit and be grateful that we have such a marvellous thing to celebrate and to be grateful for! And don't write me your contrary opinions about this, I'm set in my ways! However, if you want to be right, then agree with me!! (lol)
Teach your children that it is a time for giving and receiving! If you have plenty, share with the less fortunate. If you give to the poor, you are lending to the Lord! (Prov 19:17 and He pays good interest!) "He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor; his righteousness endureth for ever; his position shall be exalted with honour." (Psalms 112:9)
I will give some things to my grandkids for Christmas because I love them, but I do this all year long! Just a note, we have a few families we get every year from the Red Cross that have a specific need and the church buys the stuff but we let families (with kids in tow), take them to the people who need them. Try it! You and your kids need it!

1 comment:

Curly said...

You mentioned the Red Cross family. I remember our youth group taking dinner to a family in need when I was about 12 years old. I don't know if it was Christmas or Thanksgiving but I do know that was a great lesson in how much we can be blessed by serving others.