Thursday, November 13, 2008

Looking for a Moses!

After the last blog, I got a note from Greg lancaster and to quote him directly, "Good word! I agree. When I first started teaching people to hear God ,I was shocked that many didn't want to. They just wanted to go to Moses. I still hold fast to helpimg fulfill the the plan of God "My sheep know My voice.... To this I strive!"

This "going to Moses" thing is so real. But I have to admit that many men of God have become "pulpiteers" and are convinced that is the way to grow a church! Well, it is if you are looking for numbers not maturity. I personally want both in the people at Christian Center and all of the AMI churches!

Not only that but pastors must watch for the trap set by the enemy that catches them and creates the thought pattern that unless the people are somehow 'bound' to them personally their position is not secure! Any pastoral office that is not secure in the preaching of Truth, innocence dying for guilt, the necessity of us dying daily for the Lord, and separation from the influence of the world, will never be secure for any length of time anyway!

If my personality is required for keeping a flock in the "pen", I really have something to worry about! On the other hand, we can't run rough-shod over the feelings and emotions and love of the "sheep" either! God says that the sheep of His pasture are men, people! He wants them fed spiritually just as a shepherd feeds his flock....

I felt you agreeing with that so I will go farther and tell you that a shepherd never hand-feeds his flock, except for the weak or injured ones which can't do it themselves! Even that is for a season to develop them and strengthen them so thay can feed themselves. His job is to lead them to "green pastures" where they can rest in security, not weeds of tradition and flesh-pleasing doctrines of material prosperity and other such things. The "green pastures" represent a living habitatiion or 'house', quality food from the Word, good doctrines. Doctrines like I mentioned in the previous paragraph. Any shepherd worth his salt will remember he is merely a shepherd, not a rancher! The "sheep" are not his!

The still waters represent the fearless relationship with the shepherd that creates a place of security. They are not afraid to "let their guard down" and drink when he is watching over the flock. He helps to rebuild their "soul" (not spirit), this is who we are in the world. He leads (not drives) his sheep in a track of righteousness... I could go on but I think you get the point.

Pastors (shepherds) need to be hearing God for the flock on a REGULAR basis and giving the m a word that is relevant for where they are, not simply a study of the Bible. We need to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches, not what we learned from some book that we have paraphrased to make it our message! Spiritual plagiarism is a real problem when it takes the place of accepting responsibility for the office!

I guess that's enough for today...

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