Thursday, January 15, 2009

All Things New!!

It's a great day to be alive isn't it? Troubles everywhere, wars, economic disaster looming, crime on the increase, anarchy in the streets, employment questionable (for the lucky ones, the others know there is nothing), homosexuality becoming the "norm", same sex marriages legalized (not moralized), criminals running our corporations, Dear God!!!

Why is it a great day to be alive?? Because the Kingdom of our Christ is the ONLY thing stable! His 'stuff' is being made manifest! The Jewish leaders of His day did not recognize him because they were looking for something else in a deliverer!!! The same is true today. Many 'Christians' are doubting now because He isn't rescuing our nation! America isn't immune to problems, we are just spoiled into thinking we are!

We aren't the "New Jerusalem", we are America! His kingdom is not seen with the eye any more than the wind is seen with the eye. We see the effects of the wind (especially in Fla.) by the debris flying around in the air. We can only see His Kingdom by the effect it has on the spiritual 'debris'. Good and bad stuff flying around. He said His fan was in His hand and He would thoroughly purge His threshing floor! Threshing fans blow chaff out!

His 'wind' does more than blow chaff and debris however. His wind has a sound like no other sound. I see bumper stickers that say, "Jet Noise.. the sound of freedom". I can appreciate that from a carnal point of view, but there is another sound of a mighty rushing wind from Heaven blowing into the hearts of God's people... and it is the very Breath of God! Jesus breathed that very same wind into the mouth of His followers and said to them, "Receive Holy Breath". God is calling His people to receive Holy Breath, and He is breathing it!

In the movie "The Passion", when Jesus had fallen under the load of His cross, and was beaten, weary without sleep, bleeding profusely, in pain we cannot understand because it satisfied the demands of a just God for removing all the sins of all man for all time! No pain has ever been felt like that before or since, nor will it ever! In that moment, John brought Mary to Jesus and as she knelt beside Him, weeping over her Son, a sword piercing her side just as had been prophesied, I fully expected Him to say something like: "It's alright Mother.." or "I love you mom..", I was awed by His statement which most people either missed completely or did not grasp the depth of it... He said, "See.. I make all things new"!

Naaman nearly missed his day of healing because the Scripture tells us that he said, "I thought..." He thought the king would heal him, and then he thought the prophet would come out himself instead of sending a servant, and then he thought that the muddy Jordan wasn't up to par, and then he yielded to the coaxing of a loving servant and was healed!

DON'T MISS YOUR DAY NOR YOUR OPPORTUNITY!! He may not be what you expected, but He is exactly what the Father expected!

The Jews missed Him and even His cousin John sent to Him asking Him, "Are you the one, or do we wait for another??"

This is Him y'all! He is here and He cannot set up His "New Kingdom" without breaking down the old one. He simply doesn't refurbish... he makes NEW!!


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